Metro Creative Connection
Mexico: Independence Day | Metro Video Tutorials | MetroCreativeConnection
Mexico: Independence Day

September 16th, 2020

On the night of the 15th, the president of Mexico stepped onto the balcony of the National Palace at Mexico City and voiced the same "El Grito" (Cry for Freedom" that Father Hidalgo gave on the night in 1810, that began Mexico's rebellion from Spain. it was the Royalists – made up of Mexicans of Spanish descent and other conservatives – who ultimately brought about independence.


Mexico's independence is one of the several days of independence of Latin nations that comprises the basis of National Hispanic Heritage Month. Use this opportunity, and Metro's bevy of artwork and editorial features, to focus upon the history and contributions of Spanish-speaking nations.

Additional September Events

Ancestor Appreciation Day
September 27th, 2020

Washington State Fair (CANCELED)
September 4th - September 27th

Copy Of Grenache Day
September 18th, 2020


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